Tuesday, September 23, 2008

When you are writing these stories, sometime after the events that took place here, it can be a little difficult to raise enthusiasm for the effort required to put the fingers of one hand to work on the key board. This is especially the case when I receive feedback only from a few of you, either in person, (by means of a visit to the hospice) or in writing either by means of a letter to me as the editor of the blog or in person if you know me or as a comment to the blog. For those of you who have managed to write, thank you.

Of course occasionally I do get some really bizarre feedback, as was the case this morning, when I received a note seeking my comments on the American debate between Obama and McClain camps about American Health care.

So I will tease your interest even further than normal by including the exchange as my contribution today instead of an article about what goes on in the hospice

Herewith the exchange with my reply first to the lettter that popped up in my in tray.

Dear Marjorie,

I am an Australian.

I have little knowledge of, or interest in, your health system, I am sufficiently involved in dealing with Australian issues (including my own) to have time to to learn about, much less write about the mess in your country.

All I can perhaps add to the debate is perhaps a very tongue in cheek comment, that those who are still looking for the land of the 'free' need to find 'the home of the brave,' because their search is likely to be a bumpy ride.

I have however forwarded a copy of your note to some other people I know who may have more time to assist you even though they too are from Australia

Pete's Pages
Written from Care Holland House

2008/9/22 Marjorie Saenz
- Hide quoted text -

Dear Pete's Pages, Administrator

The topic of health care in the 2008 U.S. presidential election is one that is high on the minds of Americans. However, while most people are well aware of the immense challenges facing our health system (rising costs of medical care, malpractice, high prescription drug costs, medical bankruptcies, employers dropping coverage, 47 million uninsured Americans, etc.), they have less understanding of the specific solutions proposed by Senators Obama and McCain.

We invite you to write a post about the topic of health care in '08. There are clear policy differences between the Obama and McCain plans, who come from two differing philosophies on health care reform.

"HealthDecision '08: Obama and McCain on Health Care" is an initiative by HealthCare.com (http://www.healthcare.com) to help potential voters understand each candidate's position. It is an objective comparison of the two platforms, and provides analysis as to the strengths and weaknesses of each. Most importantly, HealthDecision '08 provides an interactive voting tool that allows users to "vote" for a preferred plan. HealthDecision can be accessed at http://decision.healthcare.com/obama-mccain/.

HealthDecision '08 will provide you with much of the primary research with which to form a post. In addition, we provide you with links to third-party election coverage from Health08.org, NPR, The New England Journal of Medicine, NY Times, National Journal, U.S. News, WebMD and many other sites, that may serve as supplemental information sources.

I hope you'll join us in our effort to raise voter understanding on this very important issue. We hope that you will use our information, and also link your readers to our site in order to have their voices heard.

Lastly, if you're interested in posting real-time results of the HealthDecision '08 poll, please reply to this email for instructions on embedded our widget onto your blog.

Thank you.

To your health,

Marjorie Saenz


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter (and Leanne),

It is good to see that your sense of humour is still intact. That letter really is bizarre. She couldn't have read your personal profile before drafting that. I only have a passing interest in the US presidential elections myself, and I suppose the UK is geographically closer to the US than is Australia. I won't comment on America's latest foray into seeking to destroy the Taliban.

Have been following your 'entering the hospice' story. I hope the staff at the hospice are helping to make you feel comfortable and secure.

Love to you and Leanne,

dave said...

under current circumstances a remarkably restrained yet typically humorous response.
Nice to see you looking as well as you did the other night.
Keep on trucking!