Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Interesting Night and Day

Woke this morning around 3:00 am and found that if I tried to turn my head to the left I simply was unable to either take in or expel any air. Wonderful - breathing being something that appears to be a precondition to being able to stay alive I was somewhat panicked and of course woke up and turned to the right and started to be able to breathe again. It was with some trepidation that I then adjusted myself and went back to sleep again after some panicked moments and woke later this morning with the determination to have this looked at.

I suspect this will be a BIG ask at this time of the year when most Doctors also have their fancy turn to Christmas cheer that does NOT involve their patients. So an appointment with the local GP was arranged and since he was unavailable what I presume was a locum was seen. As she has no real familiarity with my case there were a considerable number of issues to go through and eventually I learned that the ENT that I had seen before had closed his offices for the holidays, that another ENT was busy with patients and so left the surgery with the assurance that some form of emergency appointment would be arranged for me - whether with an ENT specialist or a registrar that the local hospital so that they could put the scope down the throat and actually see what they could see. At this point of course I went home to await the phone call that would no doubt be an appointment to see someone about what was happening and what if anything needed to be done.

Finally the phone call came and I was able to learn that I would be able to have an appointment with a specialist at 2:20 I agreed and that was fine. Then a little later I was contacted again and told that there had been a cancellation and I could now have an appointment at 12:20 - I grabbed it!

By the time I actually managed to get to my car to start out for the appointment I did something that felt right at the time which was to stretch my neck up and backward and noticed that there was almost a snapping of tendons in the neck which was both audible and painful and then lo and behold I was able to turn my neck to the left and breathe again - all just in front of the appointment of course.

Wonderful - picked up my partner from work and we both attended the appointment where I explained the miraculous snapping tendon and the consequences and then the doctor (someone who works with a chap that I had seen before by coincidence) took notes and finally extracted what I laughingly call "the Snake" and went in through the nose and looked into my throat and airway. What he found was interesting.

There did not appear to be a tumour but the airway had narrowed to a gap of only 2mm so there was always going to be a risk of problems. He did not know why. He explained that in the worst case I could have a tracheostomy which would enable me to breathe at least - but he did indicate that this was NOT a great form of treatment unless things got really bad.

So some hundreds of dollars later I left his surgery and will today take in my scan etc so the doctors can have a chin wag and see what they can all discover from the documentation and the look down the throat.

Ain't Christmas wonderful!

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