Friday, August 14, 2009

Stable and making a little progress

Peter has seen the dietitian and she has confirmed our understanding that he should be on full strength liquid food and have it gradually introduced with ever increasing amounts if he tolerates it, so that he gets back to a normal amount of calories and protein. So now the watering down of his food and the 30% amount regime has been changed, fibre increased and a review will occur on Monday to see how it's been tolerated. Dr P said he was happy to take advice on that as he wasn't an expert in nutrition and was willing to learn. So that's very positive. Thank goodness for skilled allied health staff.

Peter has been able to stand up from the bed with assistance (often not requiring it but having it there in case he has a moment of weakness). He is also relieved to be able to be wheeled to the toilet a couple of times a day. He has also been assiduous in doing his leg exercises in bed and feel the benefit of them already although his calf muscles are incredibly reduced in size and strength after the 3 weeks in bed. Again, many thanks to the physiotherapists who have been helping us with that.

He is still very tired much of the time, especially after exertion but I can see colour returning to his cheeks and Dr P said yesterday how much better he is looking and that clearly I should keep doing what I have been doing because it is working. I don't know whether Peter will be able to come home, but it remains our aim and perhaps in a week or two he will have gathered more reserves of strength from the full strength food to be able to build up his strength. He is still needing to bring up the sputum which is infecting his lungs and get on top of that if at all possible. I am hoping his system can recover from this terrible illness. Whether it can or not, time will tell.

Will keep you posted as and when I can.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What fighters you are! What an inspiration! Good, healing thoughts going your way.