Monday, April 28, 2008

Partial HOPE

I was scared to make the phone call today, but I girded up my loins and finally called the office of the Gastroenterologist who is my doctor and timidly asked the receptionist if my biopsy results had come back.

They had not!

I told her of my increasing anxiety about this and reassured her that good news or bad it was better to KNOW so you could deal with things than not and to live in dread!

Apparently that meant something to her because she seems to have made some calls and the results were clear.

This is not of course the be all or end all of everything - but at least I know that up to the blockage and from the inside of the oesophagus its a so far so good report.

At least it means that I can go into the procedure tomorrow with a bit more hope than I had yesterday.

Thought I would keep you all informed so you KNOW what going on!

1 comment:

dave said...

Yippee! great news and while there are still nasty things to be done at least it was well worth the loin girding. I may call you later as Kathleen has been talking to Selim...