Friday, November 17, 2006

GRUESOME - The immediate effects of surgery to remove a tumour

Some people have written to ask what it is like to have a recurrence of a cancer just under the collar bone and what it takes to deal with it.

In my case it required surgery and some follow up chemo and radio therapy.

For those people who have always wanted to see me with my throat cut and still find it unbelievable that I would actually PAY to have this done to myself, this image of the aftermath of the removal of yet another tumour and half a thyroid will provide the evidence that they need that it's true I DID pay to have my throat cut.

To those who faint at the sight of blood - oops - too late!

For those who have my well being uppermost in their minds, some clarification.

This pitcture was snapped in May and since then of course the scar tissue has healed, and thanks to the very clever doctor who performed the operation, the line of the scar is actually at the same level as a natural fold in the neck and so is now almost invisible.

If anyone finds this image offensive please let me know and I will remove it from the site.

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