Monday, December 26, 2005

It's That time again . .

I find myself in a situation where I can actually sit at the computer and spend some time writing in this blog. This is completely unexpected. When I first learned that I had Oesophageal Cancer the advice I was given was that I had probably a few months to live. After some considerable distress I accepted that I had no longer to live and made arrangements to finalise as much of my affairs as I possibly could. Since then I have had the privilege of living far longer than anyone expected.

As I head towards the second anniversary of my diagnosis I am pleased to say that I am still alive and still kicking. Indeed I have been told that I am able to go back to full time work and so have been doing this and trying to make back some of the financial costs that were incurred.

Let's just hope that this next year also sees a further opportunity to continue living - life is too precious to waste on illness and stress!

Happy and Healthy new year to everyone

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