Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Good Result

The last time I wrote it was about having that "lovely" experience of going into the hospital to have someone look at my insides once again.

Well, the news was good this time, or to use the phrase applied in my documentation, 'very encouraging'. I am not sure who this comment was aimed at the doctor who referred me, the person undertaking the examination or me for some reason. Regardless of all this - at least the news was not what I dreaded - namely that there was a problem with my colon.

Still I am not out of the woods yet, it might well be that the iron deficiency is a sign of something else that is dreadful. Let's wait and see.

The experience of going to the hospital provided one bright moment before everything went black and this was the finding that one of the lovely young nurses who had taken care of me in the ward when I was recovering from my operation had transferred to this new job and was going to have the dubious delight of attending to yet another part of my anatomy. It was nice to have a sense of 'old home week' although I have to say I would prefer it if I did not see people in the hospital for any reason other that social.

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