Saturday and Sunday were visiting days. Leanne and I were either being visited by people or in the car visiting others. It is really a wonderful feeling to be able to use the few hours when I am unhooked from the feeding tube and actually able to travel.
We were of course embarrassed to realise that we had totally missed the news about it being daylight saving and so we found we had 'lost' an hour and were arriving late on one of our visits. Egg foo yung on face is NOT the most comfortable thing to wear. Thankfully our hosts were very gracious.
Leanne's home made jams appear to be a hit, as has been her first attempt to make a cake from the Vizvari Mariska Hungarian cook book. It was apparently either a great success or people were being unusually kind. The number of pieces scoffed would suggest that the first explanation is the correct one. There is a delightful story about the acquisition of this out of print cook book. However I will not bother to write about it here - you can ask me when we next see each other.
All this lovely tucker being devoured with me looking longingly at certain items but being unable to participate. Sigh!
Actually we will have to talk to the dietitian because I am putting on weight. This was desirable, but now is becoming a pain. If she agrees that I can take less of the Ensure Plus it will mean more time free of Marmaduke - all in all not a bad outcome.
But I digress. It's thanks to all those who came to see us or who were generous enough to have us in their homes.
I have not provided photos of others either because they stated that they did not wish to appear on the blog or because I was idiotic enough to have either left the camera at home or getting so involved in the conversation that I forgot to take photos.
If there are any suggestions from my readers about successfully handling neuropathic pain I would love to hear about their experiences, my right hand and arm is in need of some new ideas.
So that's all for this entry. I sincerely hope that I can write about other world related issues in my other blogs. I am particularly interested in starting a conversation or thread about the economy and what's likely to happen to us all as a result of what is happening elsewhere. Is anyone else interested? If so let me know.
1 comment:
In The Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy, Ford Prefect says to his mate Arthur Dent; "... time is an illusion, lunch-time doubly so.."
As one of the gracious hosts [thank you ;-)] from the post-time change visit I just want to say that it was more important to me that you [and Leanne, of course] managed the visit than the timing of it. The sun was still up and the house was at a pleasant temperature and the conversation that ensued was wide-ranging and interesting
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