Normally I do not make links to 'competing' blogs, but 'snusher' and his story are so readable that I thought I would make an exception.
What's more, there have been press releases recently in Australia (and possibly overseas as well) that the incidence of Oesophageal Cancer in Australia is on a dramatic rise and that the main causes to which this is being attributed are:
- Smoking
- Obesity and
- Chronic uncontrolled gastric reflux
I hate to admit it, but I was one of those who is right up there in the very highest risk category, because I smoked, was obese and had an issue with gastric reflux over a long period.
There are now ads on television to alert people to the fact that having chronic gastric reflux is NOT necessarily something for which you just take Quick Eze or some other low cost antacid treatment.
Seeing your doctor and having the situation examined by experts and treated could literally save your life!
Trust me, you do NOT want to be told that had you seen your doctor earlier when you only had a mild irritation or even a more serious Barret's Oesophagus, things could have been different!
Back in late 2003 when I was told the "glad tidings" that:
- I had oesophageal cancer and
- that only 1 in five people (20%) made it past surgery and adjuvant treatments to a situation where they actually lived longer than 5 years after the diagnosis of this illness
- that oesophageal cancer was "rare"
Now, four and a bit years later, with my body in considerable pain, my health nothing like what it used to be, and various parts of me deteriorating much faster than I would like them to, I am still living in the hope that I can be one of the 20% who reaches and then surpasses the "five year" milestone.
My advice to ANYONE who currently has a history of chronic gastric reflux, happens to be obese (FAT) and smokes or just ONE of these conditions is simple, DON'T wait until it's too late!
Go and see your doctor NOW and ASK about your situation.
If you walk out of the surgery with advice that at present it's just your binge eating or drinking or something else - thank your lucky stars and think about what you are doing to your body.
If it's more serious, but not yet cancer - continue to thank your lucky stars and LISTEN to the doctor's advice about how to change your life style, if you want to continue to have a life style!
If you do find that you have this "ever more popular" form of cancer - get it assessed and treated if you can and just remember, that there are those of us out there - just a few of us mind, who have been there, are still around and willing to provide some support, as you try and find your way through the nightmare that your life has suddenly become.